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Designed for local communities to access mental health services easily.
The Challenge

Navigating NYC's mental health services can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Many struggle to locate affordable and appropriate resources, leaving them without proper care. While online tools aid in therapist searches, they don't cover all options, leading to mismatches between people in need and the right support.

The Solution


UX Researcher, UX Designer


UX Design
UX Research
Mobile Design
Information architecture
Design for social good


01/2023, 12-week duration

I created a mobile app for community members to easily find, evaluate, and access mental health services that match their specific needs through different ways of searching.

  • The Net Promoter Score (NPS) for MindKit stands at 50, as reported by potential users who participated in our survey.

  • The feedback received from potential users overwhelmingly reflects a strong positive sentiment towards MindKit.


"I've been feeling pretty down for a long time, and nothing I do to relax seems to help much."
This scenario is all too familiar for many of us, especially in today's fast-paced world. As a resident of bustling and competitive NYC, I've noticed significant investments in mental health services each year. This growing commitment piqued my curiosity about the challenges we face. Upon reviewing governmental reports, I was shocked by the data I found.
Data for the problem.png

RESEARCH - Target groups.

Talking to real people:
Lack of knowledge about available services is a key factor.

5 Interviews

Offline survey with 16 responses

While potential users may vary in their awareness of their mental health needs, they all share a common lack of information about available support.
User Quadrant.png
What prevents them from accessing the appropriate services?
I mapped findings onto an empathy map and created three main personas for the target audience. Lily's user journey revealed challenges at every stage of seeking help, leading to the categorization of obstacles into three phases: find, evaluate, and access.

Redefine the problem

"How might we design a solution to help local citizens effectively find, evaluate, and access mental health resources?" 

CONCEPTUALIZE - Design goals.

What does it mean to be more "effective"?
Now that I've reframed the problem, how can I streamline the process? Given the diverse range of users in terms of age, digital literacy, background, and financial status, I identified 3 user goals and brainstormed how these goals could be achieved.
design goals.png

IDEATE - Design explorations.

How to get there? 
With a clear understanding of the design goals, I considered how to achieve them and which features could facilitate that process.
Using an affinity mapping exercise, I brainstormed and grouped features into broader phases: find, evaluate, and access. This allowed me to evaluate each idea and prioritize the most essential features aligned with the 3 goals.
AffinityMapping_How to find, evaluate, and access.jpg
AffinityMapping_account, accessibility, and others.jpg
User flow - search

DESIGN - Information architecture.

How should users search?
I started drafting the most important user flow for searching next.
As users with varying needs should have the flexibility to search using methods tailored to their goals, I devised three customized search options for them to choose from, aligning the flow design with my goal of being "INCLUSIVE".

DESIGN - Wireframes.

Did the 1st wireframe work efficiently?
Not really, let's make some changes.
I created the initial wireflows for the search flow, based on the sitemap, and tested them with 5 potential users through one-on-one interviews. The feedback was not very positive, indicating a need for revisions.
Changes_landing page
Changes_sequential search
Changes_service overview


How do users find, evaluate, and access
mental health resources?" 


Find with keywords.
  • If users already got something in mind, they can go directly to the search bar and type in any keywords they are looking for.
  • Users can access the guided search option under the "Help" section if they are unsure of where to start.
Find through a 4-step Guide.
  • If users are not sure about what kinds of services are there and what they need, they can follow the guided search.
  • After going through the 4 steps, service types, problems, location, and visit time have been set automatically.
Find by checking categories.

  • Browsing available resources by categories allows users to explore more options.
Find the best matches with filters.
  • Users are able to adjust all filters on the results page,
  • Showing the number of selected filters provides users with enhanced control over their search.

SOLUTION - Evaluate.

Evaluate services with all the info you need to know.

Service details.png

SOLUTION - Access.

Access with confidence  through reminder feature and appointment overview downloads.


SOLUTION - What's more?

  • Landing
  • Sign up and Log in
  • Onboarding process
Landing and Onboarding.png

SOLUTION - Colors & Fonts.

Ensure WCAG 2.0 AA Standard accessibility.
I use the dark blue and bright orange as the secondary and accent colors for Mindkit, providing both a cozy and professional vibe. The design of all cards and buttons were checked to meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA conformance.
Color Palette.png
Type System.png


How do users think about it?


All participants were able to complete assigned tasks with little friction!
The prototypes were tested with the 3 potential users who have participated in testing before. Tasks were assigned to them and I collected their behaviors, questions, and interactions during the testing.
"It's pretty straight forward."
They found the interfaces easy to use.


50 NPS Score,  with 7/12 Promoters who are willing to recommend!

After the changes were made, I posted the link to the finalized prototypes on Reddit in online communities to collect feedback. Out of the 12 participants, 11 were interested in the proposal, and 7 of them indicated that they would recommend the product if it were to be released.
资源 1_3x-8.png


1. More User Testing

As the user group is very diverse, more user testing needs to be done to make sure MindKit does satisfy users' needs and help them achieve their goals with ease.

2. Accessibility options

For accessibility considerations, this project should explore on dark mode and responsive website design for users who do not have access to mobiles.

3. Research and design the personal medical care profile

As a mental health services assistive app, MindKit must allow users to create their own medical
care profile, uploading insurance information, and medical history. It is essential to research more
on the protection of data and privacy.



Mobile-first Philosophy

MindKit was developed with a mobile-first philosophy at the forefront, which allowed me to leverage the unique capabilities of mobile devices to optimize functionality and user experience. Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of how to design with the user in mind and identify features that can have a greater impact on mobile devices, such as emergency contacts.

Moving forward, I will continue to explore th
e potential of targeted devices and prioritize user scenarios and needs to deliver more impactful and effective designs. By staying focused on the user and utilizing the latest design techniques and technologies, I am confident in my ability to create products that truly enhance people's lives.
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